My pencil and Amanda

One of my hobbies is creating graphics for equestrian advertising. I don't think I'm so bad at that. Admittedly, a lot of the work is done by the computer, but you need a certain amount of skill to harmoniously arrange and combine colors, photos and graphics. Painting, on the other hand, isn't really my thing, I'm really not good at that. But I think I can use the pencil quite well. During the time of the Corona-related LockDown, I had some time to draw a few pictures. They are not perfect, but I'll show you a small selection here anyway:

Even if they are not masterpieces - they are just the attempts of a hobby draftsman - to do all the drawings were great fun. But I have a request for you: Please remember, these pictures are my property! Please be so fair and do not download or copy them or take screenshots of these images!

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