About Amanda

... was born on August 28, 1965 in England. At the age of three, she immigrated to Canada with her parents and siblings. She now lives in Vancouver, Canada with her husband, daughter and dog. After Amanda attended the Windsor School of Dramatic Art for four years, she took on guest roles in the television series "The X-Files" and "A Mountie in Chicago". Amanda's best-known role is of course Samantha Carter in the science fiction television series "Stargate SG-1" (1997-2007) and "Stargate Atlantis" (2007-2008). After Stargate, Amanda delighted fans around the world with her role as Dr. Helen Magnus in the Syfy television series "Sanctuary" and as Naomi in the television series "Supernatural". In recent years she has starred in several films including "Taken Back", "Random Acts of Romance" and "Space Milkshake". She was a guest on the popular Canadian comedy show "Package Deal" in the Syfy series "Killjoys" and most recently in the successful Netflix TV series "Travelers". Amanda Tapping is one of the most famous actresses working on Canadian television today.

"Success is waking up in the morning and looking forward to that day.
Success is putting your head on your pillow at night and being proud of how you lived that day.
Success is choosing a path, or a partner, or a job, or a hobby that makes you smile and that makes you laugh.
Success is living a life with compassion and joy and genuine wonder and giving that compassion, joy and wonder back to others.
Always, always give back. Believe me when I say it is the most satisfying and meaningful thing that you will ever do."

Amanda Tapping, University of Windsor, 2014

The director is referred to by her many loyal fans as the "Grand Empress of Sci-Fi".

In 2004 Amanda made her directorial debut and directed an episode of Stargate - SG-1. Since 2009 she has worked regularly as a director for various television series. Since 2017 she has mainly been directing. She has earned a reputation as a sought-after director in the industry through hard work and a high level of professionalism in both television and film.
Amanda was qualified by the Directors Guild of Canada, B.C. Named ACTRA Woman of the Year in March 2015 and 2019. She is nominated for a Canadian Screen Award for best director in a drama series (Anne with an E). The awards should take place in March / April 2020. Due to the corona pandemic, this event was canceled.
After serving as executive producer on "Sanctuary" and director of "Stargate SG-1" and "Sanctuary", Amanda directed "Primeval New World", "Arctic Air", "Continuum", "Olympus" and "Strange Empire" . a music video for Ta'Kaiya Blaney, "Dark Matter", Hallmarks "A Family for Christmas", "X-Company", "The Magicians", "Van Helsing", "Romeo Section", "Anne the Series", "Siren" "," Supernatural "," Travelers ", 2019 the NBC show" Blindspot "and" The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina ".

Amanda supports many charities

Amanda's nonprofit charity "Sanctuary for Kids", which closed in late 2018, has successfully raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for charitable causes worldwide and locally in Vancouver. She supports many charities and runs her own fundraiser with Gabit Events (UK) every eighteen months to raise money with her fans for causes that are important to her.

Amanda Tapping in the World Wide Web:

 Twitter: Amanda herself: @AmandaTapping   https://twitter.com/amandatapping

  Instagram: Amanda herself: @reallivsmum    https://www.instagram.com/reallivsmum/

Website: Amandas official website [English]   http://amandatapping.com

Website: My fan page about Amanda, including translated interviews [German]   https://amanda-tapping.de

Up-to-Date Informations about Amanda Tapping:   https://amandatappingfans.net

Testimonials from colleagues

"I'm so grateful to know you and to call you my friend. You are in a class of your own and truly are one of the greats. A brilliant actress, an unassuming TALENTED artist. A leading lady who inspires everyone around her and who is so passionate about the sisterhood and supporting her colleagues and people. You are quite simply the real deal. One star!!"

Suanne Braun
Suanne Braun
Actress (Hathor, SG 1)

"...I don't have any particular stories. She's just always...she has this ability to deal with people...she's just amazing! She has a strength and a personable quality that comes with that kind of light. I can't get over her and so happy to see her direct. I think we need more women like Amanda directing. Because they understand, they've been there, because they know more than anyone else!"

David Hewlett
David Hewlett
Actor (Dr. Rodney McKay, SG Atlantis)

"I'm a fan of Amanda Tapping. In fact, I'm a HUGE fan of Amanda Tapping. And I'm not the only one. No, I'm not talking about all those Samantha Carter followers out there. I'm talking about pretty much everyone who's had the pleasure of working with Amanda over the years. She is immensely talented, always professional and just plain adorable.”

Joseph Mallozzi
Joseph Mallozzi
Writer, (Stargate)

"Amanda is so supportive and so warm. She is such a positive influence on the set. She knows everyone's name. Always prepared. Always supportive. Always helping. Always giving... She's a great actress and a great person."

Carmen Argenziano
Carmen Argenziano
Actor (General Jacob Carter, SG1)

"Amanda; the myth created for Doris Day is Amanda. She's warm, the camera loves her, and she can take a scene that really should never be released and make it sound like a diamond!"

Don S. Davis
Don S. Davis
Actor (General George Hammond, SG 1)

Amanda, thank God you were on that show! You are one of the brightes women I've ever met. Astoundingly smart and savvy and ... uh ... pretty...

Richard Dean Anderson
Richard Dean Anderson
Actor(Jack O'Neill, SG1 / McGyver)

"Amanda is a really great actress and she brings that to every scene she's in!"

Brad Wright
Brad Wright
Writer, Producer (Stargate)
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