Amandas Awards and Nominations

A busy working life like Amanda Tapping's doesn’t go unnoticed, of course. The tireless director and actress has been honored with numerous awards and nominations over the years of her work. And despite the honors she has received, Amanda is still nice, natural, and grounded. Just a person like you and me.

"I know I sound like Pollyanna here, but you have to find joy in what you're doing, otherwise there's no creative process and no one feels creative around you if you don't create a happy atmosphere. If you're having fun on set , people around you will react. I am truly blessed to love what I do and it is a joy to have amazing people to work with."

Amanda Tapping

  1. Awards
  2. Winnings
  3. Nominations

→  Honored at the Directors Guild of Canada BC 4th Annual Women in Entertainment


→  Best Director Award, for Reel Women Seen, Canadian Diversity Film Festival

→  Named 2015 Woman of the Year, ACTRA, Canada

→  Awarded an Honorary Doctor of Laws Degree, University of Windsor CA.

→  Awarded Jules Verne Award for Humanitarian Commitment, Paris, France


→  Awarded YWCA Women of Distinction Award "Connecting the Community" (public vote)

→  Awarded honor of "Woman of Vision" award by Women in Film and Television Vancouver

→  Honored by Multichannel News and Women in Cable & Telecommunications in New York as a "Wonder Woman on Air".


→  Won Leo Award for Best Lead Performance by a Female in a Dramatic Series - Stargate SG-1 "Ascension"


→  Won Leo Award Best Lead Performance by a Female in a Dramatic Series -Sanctuary: "Requiem"

→  Won Canadian Comedy Award for Best Actress in a Film (Breakdown)
→  Won SyFy Genre Award for Best Actress
→  Won SyFy Genre Award for Best Web Presentation (Sanctuary)

→  Won Leo Award for Best Lead Performance by a Female in a Dramatic Series - Stargate SG1 - "Threads"

→  Won Leo Award for Best Lead Performance by a Female in a Dramatic Series - Stargate SG-1 "Grace"
→  Won Saturn Award for Best Genre TV Supporting Actress


→  Won Leo Award for Best Lead Performance by a Female in a Dramatic Series - Stargate SG-1 "Ascension"


→  Nominated for a Canadian Screen Award in the category "Best Direction" in a Drama Series for "Annie with an E".Academy of Canadian Cinema & TV.

→  Nominated for a Constellation Award - Best Female performance in a 2011 Science Fiction Television episode Sanctuary "Normandy"
→  Nominated for a Leo Award - Best lead performance by a Female in a dramatic series - Sanctuary "Tempus"

→  Nominated Leo Award for Best lead performance by a female in a Dramatic series Sanctuary - "Breach"

→  Nominated Leo Award for Best lead performance by a female in a Dramatic Series Sanctuary: "Pavor Nocturnus"
→  Nominated for a Constellation Award - Best Female performance in a 2009 Science Fiction Television episode Sanctuary

→  Nominated for a Constellation Award - Best Female Performance in a 2008 Science Fiction Film, TV Movie, or Mini-Series Stargate: Continuum
→  Nominated for a Constellation Award - Best Female Performance in a 2008 Science Fiction Television Episode Sanctuary: "Requiem"
→  Nominated for a Constellation Award - Outstanding Canadian Contribution to Science Fiction Film or Television in 2008
→  Nominated for a Leo Award - Lead Performance by a Female in a Feature Length Drama Stargate: Continuum
→  Nominated for a Gemini Award - Best Performance by an Actress in a Continuing Leading Dramatic Role "Sanctuary"

→  Nominated Leo Award for Best Direction (Stargate SG-1, episode Resurrection)

→  Nominated for a Saturn Award for Best Genre TV Supporting Actress - Stargate SG-1

→  Nominated for a Gemini Award for Best Performance by an Actress in a Continuing Leading Dramatic Role - Stargate SG-1: "2010"
→  Nominated for a Saturn Award for Best Genre TV Supporting Actress - Stargate SG-1
→  Nominated for a Leo Award for Best Lead Performance by a Female in a Dramatic Series - Stargate SG-1: "Point of View"
→  Nominated for a Saturn Award for Best Genre TV Supporting Actress - Stargate SG-1

Testimonials from colleagues

"I'm so grateful to know you and to call you my friend. You are in a class of your own and truly are one of the greats. A brilliant actress, an unassuming TALENTED artist. A leading lady who inspires everyone around her and who is so passionate about the sisterhood and supporting her colleagues and people. You are quite simply the real deal. One star!!"

Suanne Braun
Suanne Braun
Actress (Hathor, SG 1)

"...I don't have any particular stories. She's just always...she has this ability to deal with people...she's just amazing! She has a strength and a personable quality that comes with that kind of light. I can't get over her and so happy to see her direct. I think we need more women like Amanda directing. Because they understand, they've been there, because they know more than anyone else!"

David Hewlett
David Hewlett
Actor (Dr. Rodney McKay, SG Atlantis)

"I'm a fan of Amanda Tapping. In fact, I'm a HUGE fan of Amanda Tapping. And I'm not the only one. No, I'm not talking about all those Samantha Carter followers out there. I'm talking about pretty much everyone who's had the pleasure of working with Amanda over the years. She is immensely talented, always professional and just plain adorable.”

Joseph Mallozzi
Joseph Mallozzi
Writer, (Stargate)

"Amanda is so supportive and so warm. She is such a positive influence on the set. She knows everyone's name. Always prepared. Always supportive. Always helping. Always giving... She's a great actress and a great person."

Carmen Argenziano
Carmen Argenziano
Actor (General Jacob Carter, SG1)

"Amanda; the myth created for Doris Day is Amanda. She's warm, the camera loves her, and she can take a scene that really should never be released and make it sound like a diamond!"

Don S. Davis
Don S. Davis
Actor (General George Hammond, SG 1)

Amanda, thank God you were on that show! You are one of the brightes women I've ever met. Astoundingly smart and savvy and ... uh ... pretty...

Richard Dean Anderson
Richard Dean Anderson
Actor(Jack O'Neill, SG1 / McGyver)

"Amanda is a really great actress and she brings that to every scene she's in!"

Brad Wright
Brad Wright
Writer, Producer (Stargate)
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